
Robotics workshop in Coimbatore

One-stop STEM learning and prototyping platform for students and makers. It helps in building Do-It-Yourself projects in the field of robotics, electronics, Internet of Things (IoT) and programming. It is an easy to use plug and play device with audio-visual interface, robust power module, hardware controllability, smartphone connectivity and sensing channels for all your learning, building and debugging needs. It is compatible with popular coding platforms like Arduino, graphical programming in Robotics workshop in Coimbatore and MATLAB. So go ahead, grab one for yourself, connect your sensors & actuators and start making innovative robots and electronic marvels. Students know what a nightmare doing calculations in a physics experiment can be. Not anymore! With the help of evive, an IR sensor, a computer program, and little DIYing, you can now easily find out the time period of a simple pendulum in a matter of seconds. Robotics workshop in Coimbatore The Futuristic
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